During our life, we cross paths with many people. While each person we interact with impacts us in unique ways, only a rare few have the ability to heal our hearts with a love so generous and unconditional that it could only be considered divine.

Such is the heart and soul of the quiet, self-effacing man lovingly known to the world as Daaji.

It is no secret that humanity is struggling through turbulent times. Whether it’s an erosion of family structures, a global mental health crisis, or any other challenge, we are collectively passing through intense pain and confusion.

As the founder of The Heartfulness Institute, Daaji has taken it upon himself to work tirelessly during this difficult time towards the reintegration of each individual heart and, by extension, the entire world to reach a collective state of joy, contentment and inner peace.

By spreading the principles of heart-centred living through Heartfulness Meditation, Daaji, who was recently awarded the Padma Bhushan, is quietly transforming the lives of hundreds of millions of people all over the world.

The late great Maya Angelou once said, “I’ve learned that people will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel.”

Daaji’s generosity, love, and gentleness are such that every heart he interacts with leaves feeling indelibly touched, loved, inspired, and optimistic for a better future, not only for him or herself, but for the entire planet.

A slice of heaven in Hyderabad

Daaji has constructed the world’s largest meditation centre at Kanha Shanti Vanam, in Hyderabad. The pristine campus sprawls over 1400 acres and features a meditation hall that can hold over 100,000 meditators at one time. Inaugurated in 2020 by the President of India, Kanha has been named “The Pride of Telangana” and is a Centre of Excellence for those looking to become their best selves in all walks of life.

Making meditation accessible to all

Spirituality is every human being’s birthright and Daaji is working to bring Heartfulness to the doorstep of every individual on the planet. Under his leadership, The Heartfulness Institute launched The Heartfulness App, which allows anyone with a phone to meditate with Yogic Transmission, anywhere, anytime, for free. Additionally, Daaji oversees the work of over 15,000 meditation trainers who offer free in-person meditation training to over 4 million people all over the world.

Ushering in a green future

Daaji is not only an expert at healing the human heart. He is also deeply concerned with healing Mother Earth and is committed to the development of a green future where we can all breathe easy. The Forests By Heartfulness initiative has already planted over 1 million trees and aims to plant over 30 million trees across India by 2025.

Investing in the next generation

Daaji pioneered the development of the Heartfulness Education Trust, which aims to create a new generation of hearts and minds through holistic education based on heart-centred meditation and lifestyle. Heartfulness Education is transforming society by enabling every student to live a balanced, purposeful life with enhanced awareness, compassion, and competence.

We all seek happiness. Even a small creature seeks happiness. Smallest of the small seeks happiness and comfort, yet it keeps eluding most of us. The backing of happiness is provided by a contemplative mind. A restless mind cannot enjoy whatsoever it may hold, whatsoever it may accumulate. To attain happiness, a contemplative and restful mind is mandatory — but how can we arrive at such a restful and contemplative mind without the ability to have a focused mind?

One moment you are thinking of some project; another moment you are jumping to the next idea and then another one. That is not a focused mind. The cultivation of a focused mind is possible only with regulation of the mind. This regulation is possible only and only through meditation. So, you can connect the dots.

Heartfulness is proud to offer meditation training for many decades without charging a single naya paisa [dime] from anyone. It is free of charge. We have not made yoga an udyog. Heartfulness is the beginning of a new era of spirituality and India, our great nation, can stand and guide the rest of the world on its foundation of spirituality, not on religion.