Mr. Sharma has served as a Managing Editor in the Dainik Bhaskar Group for the past 27 years, overseeing 61 editions spanning Dainik Bhaskar, Divya Bhaskar, and Divya Marathi across 12 states. These publications boast a daily circulation of 75 lakh copies, reaching an average of 6 crore readers per day.

Under the guidance of Swami Purnanand Ji Maharaj, Mr. Sharma conducted extensive research on Vedic scriptures. In an impressive feat, he completed a thorough study of the eight chapters of these scriptures and mastered vocal recitation within a mere 40 days.
Furthermore, Mr. Sharma delved into a simultaneous study of Vedas, Upanishads, Darshan, Brahman Granth, Charak, Sushruta, and Nighantu, alongside his introductory study of Sanskrit, under Swami Purnanand Ji Maharaj’s tutelage. Expanding his scholarly pursuits, Mr. Sharma explored Manu Smriti, Kautilya’s Arthashastra, Rigveda, and other Vedic texts. Over the past three years, he has dedicated an hour each week to imparting Vedic teachings on “How to Achieve Success, Let’s Learn from the Vedas,” dissecting the profound insights of a single Vedic scripture every week.

Mr. Sharma’s literary contributions extend to various books elucidating the secrets of success, offering actionable advice.
Among his published works are ten books that advocate for:
• Think positive to succeed
• The key to success is perseverance
• You are what you think
• Dedicate time to achieve success
• Consistency is key to success
• The powerful are successful
• Success follows endurance
• Walk fast, reach far
• The fastest walk leads to the highest success
• Consistency is the foundation of success
In the realm of journalism, Mr. Sharma excels in pre-launch surveys, having contributed to 57 such events for Dainik Bhaskar.
His efforts have significantly bolstered the success of Dainik Bhaskar, evident in over 90 lakh comprehensive door-to-door household surveys conducted.

Mr. Sharma’s adeptness shines in transforming crises into opportunities, particularly amid economic downturns or organizational financial strain. He is renowned for his acumen in crisis management during emergencies.