Kevat Patel was born on June 22, 1990, to late Ramanbhai and Nimuben Patel in the state of Alabama, USA, and currently lives in Frisco, TX USA, a growing suburb of Dallas TX. He has two older sisters, Dimple and late Mayuari. Although he is currently a successful entrepreneur, the journey to success did not come easily. Success can be defined in many ways, however, his fascinating unique story about his life and upbringing inspired him to be successful.

From the time Kevat was born, he has always been eager to explore and expand in learning and growing his knowledge in various subjects. Being surrounded with the environment of several types of family businesses from age 8 onwards, he has had the spirit to always have the growth mindset to become a successful entrepreneur. One specific example of many is during the latter part of middle school, a hurricane came and especially damaged the entire hotel Kevat, and his family were operating and residing. It was at this time where the family was at its lowest point financially and even sent Kevat counting quarters to have lunch at his school. The family had lost the business which provided them so much for 17+ years. At this time, Kevat and the family faced many challenges in finding other businesses, forcing the family to move 4 times in a 1 and year span, causing some disturbances in Kevat’s education as he attended 3 different high schools in a 14-month span. Finally, the family lived in Auburn, Alabama where he and his parents ran a convenience store and had bounced back and recouped a sizable portion of their losses. The city of Auburn was where Kevat completed his education.

From here, Kevat moved to Atlanta, Georgia and operated a gas station business. Unfortunately, the business did not perform as expected, facing many challenges with employees and stagnancy in growth and expansion. Growing up in these different traditional businesses, Kevat has been able to learn the necessary techniques to overcome challenges in day-to-day business operations and understand the difficulties of a business. From here, it was time for a different career path, and that’s when Kevat entered the financial industry.

Kevat assumed the financial industry in July 2015. He is a recipient of many financial awards after obtaining his education from Auburn University, Alabama USA. He is a true visionary, always dreaming big as a successful entrepreneur and paving the way for future generations as part of his legacy and by becoming a role model for many future entrepreneurs in the financial industry.

Kevat is a “Visionary” and focuses on excellence with thorough creativity, along with his work ethic full of passion, makes his wellbeing and leads a disciplined workforce under him. He obtains the incredible virtue of a positive attitude, never giving up mentality and caring nature to help his clients and team, not only for today, but also for many years ahead. He envisions a massive field force of financial educators in every state of US and Canada by having courage and exploring vibrant innovative ideas to continue to serve the community and educate them.

Kevat’s primary goal is to give back to the community and make it the most solid and united with thorough understanding of various aspects of financial literacy.

Kevat can easily be classified as an entrepreneur who cherishes challenges to make one stronger, and one who embraces change for future growth and one who always has a characteristic of upbeat hope. He nurtures a very united and healthy environment with all his colleagues, ensuring that the roots of his work are very solid and strong.