Effortlessly connecting principles of eastern spirituality with elements of western spiritual tradition, Sri Swami Vishwananda reveals the underlying oneness of the divine and inspires a unique, experience of spirituality, regardless of culture, religion, gender, or age.
Mahamandaleshwar Sri Swami Vishwananda is a fully realized spiritual master, whose international mission established in 2005 is known as Bhakti Marga, ‘the path of devotion.
Effortlessly connecting principles of eastern spirituality with elements of western spiritual tradition, Sri Swami Vishwananda reveals the underlying oneness of the divine and inspires a unique, experience of spirituality, regardless of culture, religion, gender, or age.
It is based in the heart of Europe. He has established 22 temples in 12 countries, as well as thousands of Bhakti Marga groups in over 50 countries led by his 26 Bhakti Marga Swami and Swamini who work and travel in support of this mission. His most established ashram is in Germany, with India and UK officially opening later this year. He travels the world to encourage all people to recognize the universal love that lies within each human being and to awaken their innate ability to express that love in their daily lives.
To him, the name or form one gives to God does not matter. What matters is the sincerity of the heart, devoted service to God and man, and a positive, humble attitude as one journey along the spiritual path.
Giving Darshans and Satsangs tirelessly throughout the year, Sri Swami Vishwananda introduces these simple but profound concepts in a very personal way, answering questions about love, life, death, healing, and faith.
As a disciple of Mahavatar Babaji, he comes to help people open their hearts to the divine, to the unconditional love that is lacking in this world. He brings the mediation and yoga techniques of Atma Kriya Yoga and Om Chanting. There are over 200 initiated Atma Kriya Yoga teachers in 40 countries. Om Chanting is a group healing technique once practiced by the Rishis thousands of years ago, which has been reintroduced and adapted by Sri Swami Vishwananda for the contemporary age. Entering the OM Chanting circle helps to release emotions, thoughts, and negative energy. Participants experience positive shifts in emotional, mental, and physical well being thereby bringing about peace, joy, and love in their life. There are over 1,000 OM Chanting groups in 50 countries around the world regularly coming together for practice through a program called ‘Cities of Light’. The technique is free of charge and open to all.

He is the author of the ‘Just Love’ book series, the ‘Inspirations app, and commentaries on the Vedic texts including the Bhagavad Gita, Guru Gita, Shreemad Bhagavatam, and Gopi Gita. These books and commentaries, translated into many languages, help a worldwide audience to gain a deeper understanding of the universal messages they contain and spread the message of love, peace, and unity to all.
2015 saw the establishment of the Bhakti Marga Academy which offers the opportunity for deeper learning on a wide range of international spiritual, health, and well-being topics and practices to help people make connections between mind, body, and spiritual learning.
The inaugural ‘Just Love Festival’ was held this same year at the ashram in Germany, an international music and food festival with over 2,000 guests and renowned artists and musicians from around the world.
Also in 2015, Sri Swami Vishwananda was given the title of Mahamandaleshwar, (one residing over many ashrams and temples as guardian and pillar of faith), at the Kumbh Mela in Nashik, India. All four heads of the Vaishnava Sampradayas attended his initiation. He is the first-ever Europe-based spiritual leader to hold this title.
He regularly leads extensive pilgrimages to many parts of India, as well as countries with a rich Christian history, especially Israel and France. Born in Mauritius in 1978, but with a spiritual family now residing in many locations around the world, he considers his home to be wherever there are spiritual seekers and people who need to receive his blessing to help them open their hearts to the love that resides within.