Mr. Dinesh Gupta, President of Sekawati Group of companies better known as ‘BAGMAN OF INDIA’  a title given to him by prestigious FORBES magazine to recognize his unmatched contribution to saving the environment for the last 30 years by making eco-friendly cotton bags to replace single-use plastic bags which are the major concern for everybody now since single-use plastic bags are only used for one time and they can’t be used again and also they are not recyclable and biodegradable.  Shopping bags made from 100% organic cotton are not only eco-friendly but also biodegradable and durable to use for a long time which saves our environment in a big way. Mr. Gupta has made more than 1.5 billion environment-friendly cotton bags till now which could be a world record by a single individual.

Mr. Dinesh Gupta who is a science graduate and among the first computer programmer in India started his business journey in 1991 when he decided to a business something different which contribute to Society as well and started an export business of eco-friendly cotton bags with no money in hand which was a major challenge but with his determination,

hard work and confidence he was able to get his first order and has proved that business can be done without money also and this way Mr Gupta success journey began in 1991 which continues and with their Son, Daugther and Daughter-in-law joined the business, he can make more and more eco-friendly bags helping to eliminate single-use plastic bags and saving the environment in a big way. As his company tagline says, We do business but take care of the environment too.

Mr Gupta has been recognized by the various international and national news channels, print media and magazines, govt of India and film actors, and actresses recognize his contribution to saving the environment. He is invited by many leading news channels as an expert speaker and motivates youth and gives them tips to get success in their life.

Apart from saving the environment, Mr Gupta also contributed to women’s empowerment since cotton bags are mainly made by women and Mr Gupta has given employment to thousands of women who also work from home and get extra income while taking care of their families. During Covid times, it was a boon for women who make cotton bags from home as they could earn good money when everything was closed.

Mr Gupta is actively involved in Social work and member of different organizations as follows :

-Chief Advisor-Lion Club Jaipur Hawamahal, Lions Club International

-Chief organizing Secretary-Association of Garment Exporters (AGES)

-Chairman Legal and Taxation committee of Garment Exporters Association (GEAR)

-Chairman Export Promotion Committee, Employer Association of Rajasthan (EAR)

-Executive member-Federation of Rajasthan Trade and Industry (FORTI)